“Sustainability is firmly embedded in the DNA of the Dechra business and is seen as crucial to delivering our growth strategy.”
Carina Kjellberg
Group Sustainability Director
Our Purpose, the sustainable improvement of animal health and wellbeing globally, has not changed and nor has our growth strategy. We continue to have a clearly defined set of Drivers and Enablers that support delivery of that strategy and which we remain focused on.
Our Making a Difference Sustainability strategy reflects the way in which we go about delivering that growth strategy. It is closely aligned with our Values and Culture, sits firmly at the heart of all that we do, and helps position Dechra as an even better business capable of delivering long term value to all stakeholders.
Since 2020, we have chosen to link our sustainability strategy to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we felt that this would provide an appropriate framework for our activities. When plotting the 17 goals against our Sustainability objectives, we found that we have the opportunity to positively contribute to a number of them but identified the following as being most closely aligned to our Making a Difference strategy.
Our global THRIVE programme supports positive physical, emotional, social and financial wellbeing.
Alignment to sustainability strategic pillars:
We are proud to have retained our status as a Living Wage (or equivalent) employer globally.
Alignment to sustainability strategic pillars:
We are also committed to reducing the gender pay gap in our business.
Alignment to sustainability strategic pillars:
We are committed to minimising the impact of our operations, helping to create a more resilient business and protect the environment.
Alignment to sustainability strategic pillars:
We have submitted ambitious near term carbon emission reduction targets to the SBTi and are developing a roadmap to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
Alignment to sustainability strategic pillars:
Key to Sustainability Strategic Pillars
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
We welcome the opportunity to be transparent about what we consider to be the risks and opportunities arising from climate change and how we plan to respond to those factors to create a more resilient business.
Full details about our approach to climate change can be found in the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD) section within our 2023 Annual Report, but we have summarised below the key conclusions resulting from the four themes within the TCFD recommendations.